Ottimo post riepilogativo di Fred, su tutto quello che oggi si può fare via Internet.
Puoi essere un deejay, una radio, uno scrittore, un musicista, una televisione; gli strumenti iniziano ad esserci (e, in parte, ad essere realmente utilizzabili).
Oggi, per la prima volta, si può diventare (se si vuole) un Media.
" How many times did you want to be a DJ?
Now you can podcast.
How many times did you want to be a movie maker?
Now you can Vimeo.
How many times did you want to be a rock star?
Now you can garageband.
How many times did you want to write music for TV shows?
Now you can Freeplay.
How many times did you want to be a journalist?
Now you can blog.
Anything is possible in this world we are living in.
It's an incredible time with the barriers to entry coming down for so many things.
The revolution of the ants is upon us."
We the Media
by Dan Gillmor
O'Reilly, August 2004
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License
Scritto da: gino | 08 marzo 2005 a 17:14