Alcune statistiche molto interessanti su YouTube che possono tornare utili.
Tra i vari dati segnalo:
Most commonly used tags: (the following were the only tags used 4 or more times in the sample)
video, sexy, sex, music, rock, rap, funny, news, pop, dance, film, short, TV
Average Video Length: 2 minutes 46.17 seconds
Time it would take to view all of the material on YouTube (as of March 17th 2008): 412.3 years
Average Age of Uploader: 26.57
(note that this is not the average age of anybody who has ever uploaded a video, but the average age of active uploading)
Unambiguously User-Generated (amateur): 80.3%
Professional: 14.7%
Commercial Content Uploaded as percentage of Total Uploads: 4.7%
Vlogs Uploaded as percentage of Total Uploads: 4.7%
Percentage of videos that are probably in violation of copyright: 12%
Link: Digital Ethnography » Blog Archive » YouTube Statistics.