Qualche link utile di oggi :)
- timelining you social media life with Dipity tinyurl.com/6pjn5q
- Video: Microsoft TouchWall, become minority report with few hundred dollars tinyurl.com/6bqrdl
- video: Billy O'Reilly meltdown dance mix video tinyurl.com/6btq9n
- Video: no news video. Silent anchors are the news tinyurl.com/6y5wtv
- Video: tinyurl.com/2gt6ln Darth Vader Feels Blue mashup harmonica
- What's popping in Social Media? A social media tracker What's popping in Social Media? www.socialmediapop.com/
- Great Video: Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham on 1960s TV talk show tinyurl.com/6zm2g8
- WoW| BREAKING: CBS Acquiring CNET For $1.8 Billion; 44.6 Percent Premium tinyurl.com/3hupfe
- twitter newspaper www.tweetwire.com/
- very cool and funny video: Impossible Trick tinyurl.com/68lgps