Qualche link utile di oggi :)
- feedburner in tilt? from 15.000 listeners to 1.500 in 1 day ?!?
- "You can game the social media in the short run, but not for long." tinyurl.com/6yptbx
- MyITThings www.myitthings.com/
- Conversational Search (an other search enegine for Twitter) summize.com/
- feedburner subscribers drops issue, here tinyurl.com/5epv5o
- Young Dutch Twitterer CasperOdJ reporting live from Chengdu China on todays earthquake. tinyurl.com/5hefqr
- Giant working NES controller/coffee table tinyurl.com/6egek2
- Refacing Government Tender via Boingboing www.flickr.com/photos/joefxd/sets/72157604423778692/