Qualche link utile di oggi :)
- Made in Action! ff.im/3YL4
- Video: Mercedes Sosa - Gracias a La Vida (Violeta Parra) ff.im/3ZTR
- MasterNewMedia Joins The Federated Media Advertising Network: John Battelle Video - Robin Good's Latest News ff.im/40dE
- Video: Whiteboard presentation: T. Boone Pickens on reducing America's dependency on foreign oil ff.im/41bV
- Video: Beautiful example of the visualization of a story ff.im/41fu
- OpenCongress - Track bills, votes, senators, and representatives in the U.S. Congress ff.im/41nq
- Video: IAB FORUM 2008 | Intervento di Marco Montemagno ff.im/42CR
- a IAB Forum quest'anno, una ventina di minuti tratti dall'Internet Show, pensati per aziende presenti re: ff.im/42CR
- One Laptop Per Child's annual "Give One, Get One" program is on! - Boing Boing ff.im/43da