Qualche link utile di oggi :)
- Durex Baby (video) bit.ly/ahDpj4
- Live Blogging Apple’s Announcements - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com bit.ly/dcMn4E
- Awesome iPad magic show (video) bit.ly/bn5liW
- Adidas Originals Star Wars viral video bit.ly/c4H9uT
- The debut of the iPhone 4 in pictures (photo gallery) | VentureBeat bit.ly/aGQhA3
- HackFwd bit.ly/cqzBtU
- Europe’s web of debt bit.ly/cHWJjg
- The Apache Cassandra Project bit.ly/bXTSy9
- iPhone 4 - This changes everything. Again (official video) bit.ly/dmn9Ix