Che rivoluzione sta avvenendo nel settore musicale !
La mia opinione è che le Major si siano concentrate a tal punto sul file sharing, sul download illegale di musica, da perdere di vista le evoluzioni che stanno avvenendo- senza di loro - ad una velocità senza precedenti.
Se mi aiutate, volevo elencare alcuni dei siti, software e tecnologie più innovativi/interessanti/particolari del settore musicale.
Inizio io (in ordine sparso):
Podcasting (ovvietà...)
Indy makes it easy for you to find great new independent music. Just
download Indy and double-click: as it plays songs, you rate what you
hear. Indy quickly learns what you like and gets
really smart about sending you more music you'll like. Let Indy help
you find your place in the collective conciousness as you help other people find theirs.
LastFM is a personalised online radio station that plays the right music to the right people. Songs spread from listener to listener. You get your own online radio station that you can fill up with the music you like. This information is used to find users who are similar to you. With this information can play you new artists and songs you might like.
ArtistShare is an innovative new business model for creative artists. Through ArtistShare artists are able to develop a strong and loyal fan base while simultaneously funding their creative projects through their fan base.
MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase
that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site.
You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing this web site,
or you can access the data from a client program — for example,
a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide
information about the CD, about the artist or about related
information. You can also use the MusicBrainz Tagger
to automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags
in your MP3 collections
Audioscrobbler (me l'aveva segnalato Faber qualche tempo fa)
Audioscrobbler builds a profile of your musical taste using a plugin
for your media player (Winamp, iTunes, XMMS etc..). Plugins send the
name of every song you play to the Audioscrobbler server, which updates
your musical profile with the new song. Every person with a plugin has
their own page on this site which shows their listening statistics. The
system automatically matches you to people with a similar music taste,
and generates personalised recommendations.
The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database
of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to
- browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
- up and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
- interact with fellow sound-artists!
Downhill Battle (continuano a sfornare iniziative !)
Se aggiungete le Vostre nei commenti, periodicamente ripubblicherò il post aggiornato (magari ordinato A>Z), così abbiamo un mini elenco utile per chiunque voglia ascoltare/fare musica :)